This is why you can no longer get LG’s above 150 in the game now.īlizzard could extend that sense check to ensure all items and all stats are within the boundaries of the game but it would seriously hamper load times which can already be around 30 seconds from cold boot up of the game.Īnd the fact the dev time is precious and they are not going to spend it on Console specific areas. What Blizzard did is upon load of save on Console it reduced the rank of any LG to 150 if it was over 150. They already did this once to mitigate rank 2,000,000,000 Legendary Gems where a rank 2,000,000,000 Gem of Ease instantly gave you 10,000 paragon with one hit. What Blizzard COULD do on console is sense check the save file upon load. I guess the reason why the PS5 stops the allowing of saves to be stored on a USB drive is to try and mitigate the PS5 encryption keys being used in this way if they are discovered.īlizzard nor any developer can do anything about a game being subject to a console specific hack…Sony cannot change the encryption key on the SAMU chip without breaking everyones save files that use the old key. This is why you see the same gear on multiple accounts on the PS4/PS5.

Thus you can take a PS4 on old firmware, soft jailbreak it and use tools developed by modders to decrypt saves…edit them…encrypt them again then copy the save to a PS4 on the latest firmware so you can play with the modded save.Īll of that is tricky to do but what you can also do is grab a save from someone who has modded it (they distribute online) and “resign” the save to your PSN account and online tools such as Save Wizard do this as a service thus you can easily share save files across accounts. The PS4 uses a SAMU chip with encryption keys stored on the chip to encrypt/decrypt saves. You cannot do this though for Seasonal toons because the PS3/XB360 doesn’t know what Seasons are given they are on patch 2.06 prior to seasons coming out.īut recently the PS4 version, for the first time, has Seasonal toons with modded gear too. Mod a PS3 save file, open up D3 on PS3, export save ingame…open up PS4 version of D3 on same PSN account and import save from ingame and bang you have modded gear in non season. Modded gear in non seasons was always possible via save editing on XB360 and PS3 given both older gens were hacked and D3 allows the export/import of save files from them into PS4/XB1.